20年經驗,免費諮詢,集團遍及馬來西亞、香港、英國、美國、韓國、薩摩亞、英屬處女島、澳門 、深圳、廣州、北京、上海、義烏、成都、泉州

全職DJ / 私人宴會 / 商業活動 / 狂歡派對 / Professional DJ service / Halloween / Cocktail / Christmas / Clubbing / Annual Dinner (查詢: 6332 3833 / Email: [email protected])

全職DJ / 私人宴會 / 商業活動 / 狂歡派對 / Professional DJ service / Halloween/ Cocktail / Christmas / Club Dance (查詢: 6332 3833 / Email: [email protected])

。彤趣 telight。提供派對食品機器租借、到會服務 本公司租售爆谷、棉花糖、朱古力噴泉、雞蛋仔、格仔餅、章魚小丸子、香腸等食品機器 亦有中國傳統小食表演/ 食品供應,包括龍鬚糖、糖葱餅、麥芽糖夾餅、糯米糍 並提供一站式到會服務,適合嘉年華會、宴會、婚禮、學校慶典、宣傳推廣、私人派對、會所 等大小場合 另有售賣所有相關之食材,如美國爆谷豆、爆谷專用椰油、棉花糖floss sugar、

European Motors Ltd have been buying and selling quality used cars in Hong Kong since 1975 and have thousands of satisfied clients - we hope you will become one of them!

Gold sales uganda offers gold bars and nuggets at 95% purity assayed for a very good price

WhatsApp: 60281581 | 網頁: www.bowiedacapo.com | 公司形象設計、品牌策劃管理、印刷,全方位專業設計;提升客戶公司形象及品牌價值
B設計 / 平面設計Bowiedacapo Creative

DS Production l 舞台搭建 l 音響燈光器材租賃 l 嘉年華會物品租賃 l 公司周年晚會 l 煙機/乾冰機 l 戶外婚禮

Specialized in French examinations' preparation : iGCSE, SAT, A/AS-Level, IB, DELF, etc

2016 Wedding DJ & After Party(With New Lady singer & Lady DJ)
P結婚 / 婚禮演奏P.S Wedding

Our objectives are:to promote and protect the interests of Hong Kong garment manufacturers and merchants ;to research into all matters affecting the interests of the trade;
F商業 / 會社、組織及團體Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manfacturers

WOOOII DESIGN GALLERY 是一間新進的設計公司,擅長Modern Graphic, 希望能為商業化的香港巿場提供另一種選擇。


Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
c商業 / 顧問ccomtreasure

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
t商業 / 顧問treasure123
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